Ireland's balloon bouquet specialist
Ireland's balloon bouquet specialist

DIY: How to make your own confetti dipped balloons



If you are celebrating a special occasion and you feel as though the standard balloon is just not exciting enough for the event then confetti dipped balloons may just be the solution to the problem. They are easy to make at home, the contents you need are affordable and they are eye-catching as a decoration. Read on to learn how to make your own!

What You Need:

  • Balloons
  • Foil confetti (gold foil confetti is quite effective)
  • Decoupage Glue (available in all good craft shops)
  • Paint Brush or Foam Brush


Important Tip: If you are filling your balloons with helium, so they float, you’ll need to make sure you do not add too much confetti to the balloons or they won’t be able to stay up! It’s best to sacrifice one balloon as a tester so you can see how much confetti it can handle. If you’re just filling the balloons with air, then the more confetti the better!

How to Make:

  • Inflate the balloon/balloons.
  • Paint the decoupage glue to the bottom of a balloon. You need a thin but even layer. You can either paint a straight line around so you have a very defined confetti “dip” or you can make the top edge of your glue area rough so it looks a little less perfect.
  • Once you have your glue on the balloons. Go ahead and start dipping and sprinkling confetti on. The easiest way to do this is to hold a balloon over a large bowl of confetti and pick up a handful at a time and press it onto the balloon.
  • Once you are done doing that, shake the balloon so all the excess confetti falls off, then let it dry.
  • The confetti should stay on but if you want that extra bit of security then you can also add another layer of the glue over your confetti and let it dry. (It will dry clear but once again don’t add too much glue if you have helium balloons as it will weigh down the balloon.)
  • Repeat these steps if you are confetti dipping a bunch of balloons.
  • Once you have mastered the art of confetti dipping your balloons then you can try being more adventurous with your confetti design. You can make the confetti into a pattern on the balloon or shape the confetti into a name or number for a birthday. Using different colour confetti is also a fun idea.

confetti dipped balloons


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